Penn Researchers Model a Key Breaking Point Involved in Traumatic Brain Injury
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 · Posted by The University of Pennsylvania
Their recent findings shed new light on the mechanical properties of a critical brain protein and its role in the elasticity of axons, the long, tendril-like part of brain cells. This protein, known as tau, helps explain the apparent contradiction this elasticity presents. If axons are so stretchy, why do they break under the strain of a traumatic brain injury?
Fruit fly’s pruning protein could be key to treating brain injury
Thursday, February 27, 2014 · Posted by Duke University
This research could also potentially impact how science and healthcare think about and treat brain injuries, Kuo said. Currently, damaged neurons that have lost their dendrites are unable to properly communicate with their neighbors, rendering them nonfunctional. The problem could be reversed, he said, by helping neurons modify their original developmental program and regrow new dendrites.
Research reveals white matter ‘scaffold’ of human brain
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 · Posted by University of Southern California
The current study shows that the most vulnerable white matter pathways — the core “scaffolding” — are not necessarily just the connections among the most vulnerable areas of gray matter, helping explain why seemingly small brain injuries may have such devastating effects.
The Unexpected Power of Baby Math
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 · Posted by Tel Aviv University
The findings, a significant step forward in understanding how people process numbers, could contribute to the development of methods to more effectively educate or treat children with learning disabilities and people with brain injuries.
Brain regions ‘tune’ activity to enable attention
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 · Posted by Washington University in St. Louis
Attention deficits in brain injury have been thought of as a loss of the resources needed to concentrate on a task. However, this study shows that temporal alignment of responses in different brain areas is also a very important mechanism that contributes to attention and could be impaired by brain injury.
Sugar-burning in the adult human brain is associated with continued growth, and remodeling
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 · Posted by Washington University in St. Louis
The researchers now are studying whether problems in specific brain cells that use aerobic glycolysis contribute to neurodevelopmental problems such as autism or mental retardation or to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.
Neuron regeneration may help sufferers of brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease
Thursday, December 19, 2013 · Posted by Penn State University
Researchers at Penn State have developed an innovative technology to regenerate functional neurons after brain injury and also in model systems used for research on Alzheimer’s disease. The scientists have used supporting cells of the central nervous system, glial cells, to regenerate healthy, functional neurons, which are critical for transmitting signals in the brain.
Concussion tests’ marketing outpaces scientific evidence, new review says
Thursday, December 19, 2013 · Posted by University of Texas, Arlington
The more recent work acknowledges that computerized tests, such as those marketed under the name ImPACT, HeadMinder, CogState, and ANAM, have become extremely commonplace across the sports world. But, the authors still urge caution with their use and point out a need for more peer-reviewed studies.
Brain scans show unusual activity in retired American football players
Thursday, October 17, 2013 · Posted by Imperial College London
“The critical fact is that the level of brain abnormality correlates strongly with the measure of head impacts of great enough severity to warrant being taken out of play. This means that it is highly likely that damage caused by blows to the head accumulate towards an executive impairment in later life.”
New Theory of Synapse Formation in the Brain
Thursday, October 10, 2013 · Posted by Forschungszentrum Juelich
Jülich neuroinformatician Dr. Markus Butz has now been able to ascribe the formation of new neural networks in the visual cortex to a simple homeostatic rule that is also the basis of many other self-regulating processes in nature. With this explanation, he and his colleague Dr. Arjen van Ooyen from Amsterdam also provide a new theory on the plasticity of the brain – and a novel approach to understanding learning processes and treating brain injuries and diseases.