Palmer’s story is not unique. Today, there are over 14 million children, just in the US, that are living with a neurological condition. And while many of these diseases are now diagnosable, the overwhelming majority do not have a cure. This is unacceptable.
“Andiamo is a social venture creating a new user-centred children’s orthotics service. Our aim is to drastically reduce wait times from 13 weeks to 48 hours, by using 3D scanning and printing technology.”
Thanks to a 100 million dollar grant through the White House Brain Mapping Project to the NIH, NSF, and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a dynamically new approach to how we view the brain has arisen: the CLARITY Brain Imaging Technique. With this technique, scientists are hoping to map brain connections on a large scale, visualizing how every single neuron is fired and interconnected with the other ones in the system.