Penn Researchers Model a Key Breaking Point Involved in Traumatic Brain Injury
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 · Posted by The University of Pennsylvania
Their recent findings shed new light on the mechanical properties of a critical brain protein and its role in the elasticity of axons, the long, tendril-like part of brain cells. This protein, known as tau, helps explain the apparent contradiction this elasticity presents. If axons are so stretchy, why do they break under the strain of a traumatic brain injury?
Football’s Concussion Problem, in 3 Terrifying Pictures
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 · Posted by Mother Jones
While the symptoms of a concussion—dizziness, vomiting, memory loss—can be felt immediately, the long-term impacts of repeated brain trauma have been harder to study. Research points to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, as one of the major outcomes. CTE is caused by a buildup of tau, a protein that strangles brain cells and degenerates brain tissue, which is caused by repetitive brain trauma like the hits football players endure.